Best quality for the

pet food industry

A market that has been growing strongly for years. The demand for high-quality processing products for pet food is steadily increasing. Here, too, Variomeat GmbH has established a reliable reputation as a B2B partner in recent years.

We are your point of contact if you need raw materials for your high-quality pet food production.

In addition to our years of experience and our network, we also have the necessary contacts with numerous KAT3 logistics companies. Naturally, we also have our own KAT3 certification.

Are you looking to develop a new product? Feel free to reach out to us. With our extensive expertise and numerous customer experiences, we will surely find the suitable product quickly.

From test quantities to seamless production supply, we are happy to accompany you throughout.

Our core competence lies in the following items:

  • Poultry offal
  • Poultry separator products
  • Lamb offal
  • Lamb separator products
  • Salmon cuts
  • Horse forequarters 95/5
  • Horse offal
  • Beef offal

Are you looking for additional products for your processing?

Do you have questions about availability?
Do you need specific cuts?
Let’s talk.

Get in Contact with us

Variomeat GmbH
Heinrich-Kuper-Straße 7
33397 Rietberg

+49 (0)5244 904530