Logistics / Service

The best products truly become the “best” only when they arrive punctually to you. Ideally, this happens day in, day out, week after week, and month after month. And when things get tight, we engage in direct communication with our customers to find good and satisfying solutions.

Being available 24/7 is a given in the meat industry! To ensure this to the best of our ability, we have our own department dedicated to transportation and logistics. This is where everything comes together. We create individual and tailored solutions for each order to meet the requirements of our customers.

We collaborate with all reputable and common freight and logistics companies as well as a multitude of refrigerated warehouses.

Our competencies

  • Import from non-EU countries and adaptation of packaging to European standards and requirements
  • Container handling/loading
  • Strategically holding high quantities of goods to offset market and price fluctuations
  • Contract processing

Personal and direct communication are essential to us and are practiced by us every day. May we get in touch with you? Please let us know the topic for which you would like a callback or exchange.

Get in Contact with us

Variomeat GmbH
Heinrich-Kuper-Straße 7
33397 Rietberg

+49 (0)5244 904530