Legal notice

Variomeat GmbH
Heinrich-Kuper-Straße 7
33397 Rietberg

+49 (0)5244 904530

The company’s headquarters: Rietberg
Commercial register: District Court Gütersloh
HRB 11272
CEO: Robin Bollweg

Limitation of liability for website content

In accordance with § 7 para. 1 TMG, the person responsible for the website within the meaning of § 5 TMG is responsible for their own information provided for use in accordance with general laws.

The person responsible for the aforementioned website assumes no liability for the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the content provided on this website. This does not apply if the person responsible is guilty of intentional or grossly negligent behavior. The content has been created with the greatest possible care and to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, the correctness of the content, especially in complex matters, cannot be guaranteed, so the person responsible recommends that users consult the relevant authorities or seek legal advice for important information.

Posts marked with a name that are made publicly available on the website reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the website operator.

If paid or free and freely accessible content or services are provided on the website, these are non-binding invitations to make an offer, which only call for an offer to be made by the user and do not represent a binding offer themselves.

In accordance with §§ 8 ff. TMG, the website operator is not responsible for third-party content published for a user, provided that:

  • they have no knowledge of the unlawful act or the information, and in the event of claims for damages, no facts or circumstances are known to them from which the unlawful act or the information becomes apparent, or
  • they have acted immediately to remove the information or block access to it as soon as they become aware of it.

Liability in this regard is only possible from the time the website operator becomes aware of a specific legal violation.

If the website operator becomes aware of such unlawful content, it will be promptly removed.

Get in Contact with us

Variomeat GmbH
Heinrich-Kuper-Straße 7
33397 Rietberg

+49 (0)5244 904530